Springtime on the farm, means babies everywhere!

There is nothing in the world cuter than baby animals! That is why we love spring so much - we have litters of piglets being born and shipments of day old baby chicks arriving in the mail. Bring on the roly-poly, fuzzy, cuteness!

We welcomed piglets on Easter morning from Petunia. Her piglets were either all pink like she is or black and white spotted like cow. They are old enough now to be really playful and chase each other all over the barn yard.

Petunia Piglets

Penny had her litter on May 2nd. She is a first time mom and doing really well. She is very laid back, which we like because it means we can get in and play with the piglets without stressing out mom. She had one red piglet who looks like she will be just as beautiful as Penny. The rest are black and white spotted.

Penny Piglets

Just this past week 180 baby chicks came in the mail and are making adorable peeping sounds. We recently set up a new brooder (baby chick house) and it is working out really well. The babies are warm, dry and safe. Their heat lamps are also controlled by a really cool automatic thermostat which is saving electricity by turning the lights off when the brooder gets up tp temperature.

Baby Chicks

Have you met Vinny, the newest member of the farm?! He is our new farm dog and is doing so well with his training. We adopted him from Last Hope K9 Rescue which is the rescue organization we volunteer for. We periodically foster dogs and provide them a home until they are adopted. Vinny was our first “foster fail” and we absolutely LOVE him!


What are your favorite things about baby animals? Their playfulness? Their clumsiness? The way they play hard and then fall fast asleep? Leave a comment below to let us know!
